Effective advocacy requires strong leadership and coordinated efforts to ensure that the voices of advocates are heard loud and clear. The National Coalition for Literacy (NCL) serves as a beacon of national leadership in advocacy, providing guidance and direction to advocates across the country. By aligning messages and priorities from the field to Congress, NCL ensures a cohesive and impactful advocacy strategy.
Key Functions of NCL’s Policy Committee:
The NCL’s Policy Committee plays a vital role in shaping advocacy priorities and strategies. This committee negotiates key elements such as advocacy priorities, the “Ask” (requests made of legislators), target legislators and aides, timing for advocacy efforts, and coordinated strategies for maximum impact. By bringing together organizational members like the Commission on Adult Basic Education (COABE), the National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL), ProLiteracy, Teachers of Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), and individual members, the Policy Committee represents a diverse array of voices and perspectives in the advocacy process.
Mobilizing Advocates through National Alert Networks:
Advocacy leadership takes the lead in developing messages and disseminating alerts through national alert networks. These networks serve as a crucial mechanism for mobilizing advocates at the state and local levels. Advocates report back on their advocacy efforts, providing valuable insights that inform national advocacy strategies. National advocacy leaders follow up with legislators on Capitol Hill to ensure that the voices of advocates are heard and respected.
Creating Responsive Networks:
For advocates looking to establish local networks and connect with national advocacy leadership, NCL offers guidance and resources through its Creating Responsive Networks initiative. This initiative provides strategies for developing local networks and integrating them into the broader advocacy leadership process, ensuring a seamless flow of communication and action from the grassroots to the national level.
In the realm of advocacy, leadership is essential for driving meaningful change. By providing national leadership, coordinating advocacy efforts, and mobilizing advocates at all levels, NCL plays a crucial role in amplifying the voices of adult education and literacy advocates. Through collaborative efforts and strategic coordination, advocates can make a powerful impact in shaping policies and priorities that support adult education and literacy nationwide.