The Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), administered by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
About Adult Literacy
Welcome to our resource hub dedicated to adult literacy, a cornerstone of lifelong learning and empowerment.
Adult Foundational Education
The field of adult education is marked by a variety of names, some of which can be confusing or ambiguous to those both within and outside the field.
Access and Inclusion: Adult Education and Literacy Priorities for 2021 and Beyond
The forthcoming Biden-Harris administration has outlined a vision of “building back better,” with a focus on economic recovery and racial equity at the forefront.
Update: WIOA Reauthorization in the House
The House Education and Labor Committee is set to take a significant step in the reauthorization of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) with a markup session scheduled for Tuesday
Census 2020: Current Response Rates and the Risk of an Undercount
As of the latest update, the national self-response rate for the Census stands at a commendable 53.4 percent, showcasing an encouraging level of participation.
Adult Education and Family Literacy Week 2017
National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week is an annual event dedicated to shining a spotlight on the crucial importance of adult education and family literacy in the United States.
What’s happening during AEFL Week 2016: Part Two
As Adult Education and Family Literacy Week unfolds, various initiatives and events are underway across the nation, shedding light on the crucial intersection of adult education and economic inequality.